Available at a liquor store near you!! There's four different limited edition Colt 45 160z beer cans that I designed. Collect ‘um all!
Colt 45 “Ink Your Own Can” Contest!!!
Colt 45’s site is now live and accepting can art entries from designers, artists, and creatives across the country. The entry window is from now until Oct 2, 2008. Go to www.talesofcolt45.com for all the details!
they are cool!!
great job! =)
hey Foodone, Ive been a Huge fan of yours for years, I acutally met you last year at the NY comic con, and I come to your blog often, so I finally feel like commenting. I really dig all the stuff you've done for Colt 45, the art is awesome, and I really can't wait for kick drums comics, keep up that great work man, and one day I hope to see more Grrl Scouts, just finished re reading both series.
I don't drink beer, but I'm gettin' these anyway! Hope you had a cool time at Heroes Con yo! You and Dave got me really hype on creatin' some dope ass art! Keep grindin' creatin' that cool ass work! Peace!
This work is sharp as hell, man. Your hard work payed off!!
Like I need an excuse to go out and buy beer, but these are DOPE! Man Billy D totally needs a commemorative can!!
they just wheatpasted the walls across the street (in venice)...the colt 45 ads look sick. big up!
shit man! this is awesome!
This is an special edition, it's perfect it being available because I like to collect cans, I'm gonna get that can tomorrow.
Colt 45 is a brand of malt liquor introduced by National Brewing Company in the spring of 1963. Through a series of mergers and acquisitions, the National Brewing Company and its brands (including Colt 45) are today owned by the Pabst Brewing Company.
Colt 45 is available today in a multitude of packages and sizes. Cans are available in 12, 16 and 24 ounce packages and bottles are available in 7, 12, 16, 18, 22, 32 and 40 ounce packages. Cans are available in multi-packs including: 12, 15, 18, 24, 30, 36 packs of 12 ounce cans.
Have the whole set of 5... what are they worth now more n
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