I had this piece of paper sitting by my computer. A couple days ago I drew a picture of me and Smoke Dog on it for the back cover of the new Stupid Comics: Phoenix Edition collection (due out March 19!). Then I started making a list of all the pieces I was sending to NY for my gallery show next month. Then Allen Hui, the dude designing the back cover of the new Stupid collection, asked me to draw a cityscape for the back cover. So that was scribbled in at the top and scanned. Then today I used the paper to make some notes and I did some ballpoint pen sketches at the bottom. It's not that exciting, really. But it IS four in one...
Phoenix Edition, huh? I lived in Tempe for a few years. Shopped at Ash Avenue Comics frequently. Can't wait to see what you have in store for this issue.
well we don't wanna know what else happenned to that piece of paper.
"phoenix edition" means that there will be collected the phoenix newspaper stupid comics? can't wait! cheers from greece!
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