Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Food One x Scribe

I met Scribe back in 1993 when we were both freshmen at the Kansas City Art Institute. He got kicked out of school that year for doing graf, and then went onto legendary status, winning a bunch of awards and showing his work in museums and such. Everyone in the city had to eat their own words and bow down before him and kiss his ass. Haha. Success is the best form of revenge. He's in town to do a show tomorrow (Thurs) night at Gallery 1988 on Melrose and La Brea. I hung out there all day with him and started working on the custom hand-painted Beat Bee toys (and the boxes they come in!) and Scribe bombed the walls of the gallery with his ridiculously sic characters. Watching him work is insane. His can control and line-work is perfect. I'm not sure when the custom Beat Bee toys will premier, but stay tuned to this space, I'll announce it soon! The fruits of our labor are below...

1 comment:

Robert Trujillo/Tres said...

Real talk, his shit is fresh. Didnt know about him before, but now i know.